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  • Thinking Euro                                                                           - Working..

  • Thinking Pounds                                                                           - Working..

  • Thinking Japanese Yen                                                                           - Working..

  • Thinking Canadian Dollars                                                                           - Working..

  • Thinking Australian Dollars                                                                           - Working..

  • Thinking New Zealand Dollars                                                                           - Working..

  • Thinking Mexico Peso                                                                           - Working..

  • Other Currency Titles will be written randomly..........                     - Working..


1. I am writing it as Blog. I am glad if you like it, if not Please just ignore it. 

2. I came up with the Name's of the STT Titles on different Currency names.

    I liked it since I started my career on Coding Treasury Product and also as everybody knows our life revolves around this essential global commodity.

Disclaimer: Most of the Pictures, Videos, Quotes are been referenced, downloaded from different Websites of News Magazines, Social Media - Facebook, Linked In and other sources. All this info is in the world of Software and Hardware of Computing Devices.


Please check only the content/ Topic/ Subject on SDM but not any particular Organization, Person, group.

Just read / view the content through my point of view on Software Development and Management (SDM) Globally.

The Marketing content info in the video / Picture might help you if want to further browse and check on it.

© 2021 by Singh Technologies LLC, All Rights reserved.

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